Silvia Nair talks about “Desideri” Project in Excellence Magazine Interview
Our singer Silvia Nair was interviewed by Carla Cavicchini from Excellence Magazine. When asked "Any future projects?" the singer responded by mentioning her upcoming show “DESIDERI. Da Michelangelo a Fellini” - produced by Only Stage.
Here are her words: "My upcoming show 'DESIDERI. Da Michelangelo a Fellini' - produced by the English company Only Stage – is forthcoming, where together with the renowned art critic and writer Luca Nannipieri, we will lead the audience into the most powerful human impulses, as told in Art and Cinema. Through images, words, singing, and music. Three invitation-only previews (write to: June 4th at the Teatro Bibiena in Mantua, June 28th at Villa di Bivigliano in Vaglia (Florence), and July 19th at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Club in Rome. The details for the 24/25 tour will be announced later.”